I had the best trip ever! First stop: Minnesota. Not only did I get to run free out in the country, but I got treats, too! Some were given to me by human family members (biscuits, a stocking, sugar cookies, snack mix) and some I just helped myself to...including crackers left out on a buffet table just for me. What hospitality. I also found a dead pigeon which I thought was very cool...but no one let me keep it. I guess you can't have your bird and eat it, too.
Next stop: South Dakota - a return to my homeland! The accommodations here were amazing. Again, we stayed in the country and I was allowed to go inside AND up and down the stairs! I'm not used to stairs but I am a fast, fast, fast learner. The food here was great, too: pineapple, more sugar cookies, snap peas, and more. Yum, yum.
The best part about this place - the dogs! My mom and brother stayed here, too! We got to play together and we even took a road trip so I could run and flush out pheasants! Okay, so maybe I didn't really flush out the birds...but I heard all about how to do it from my brother, Smoot and his friend. Here's a family picture. That's me on the far right, my mom (Max) in the middle and my bro Smoot on the left. Aren't we a good looking family?
Final stop: Grandma's House! It goes without saying that I always have fun at Grandma's house. More gifts for me and I gave her something, too. I do have manners, you know.
Then, the party started! Two of my favorite cousins came over for a sleepover and we played video games. It was the most fun. My food discovery here? Blue Jello. Next time I'll pass. I don't know if Ryann was feeling well this trip - she hardly ever stopped me from eating new foods (except for the dead pigeon)! 'Tis the season, I suppose!
You have a very good looking family there, glad you got to see them for the holidays.
Sounds like you have a great holiday !!!
Sounds like you had a lot of fun! Nice pictures of the fam!
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