Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life on the Inside

Have you been wondering where I've been? Things are busy in our house and I've been working just as hard as the humans. The weather finally warmed up again for about two hours and then it got subarctic again. Enough already! Dogs and humans need outside time! I am so tired of it!

While we are inside all I get to do is work, work, work. Here's me - Stacy's right hand dog:

Where would he be without me? Lonely and unproductive, I'm sure. He can pay me in treats and outside fetch sessions...if it ever warms up again that is...


Mason Dixie said...

Welcome back. I too hope for the warmer weather to come and stay, mom owes me a lot of outdoor time. =)

Raising Addie said...

You sure do look comfy in that bed!

Keep up the good work and I am sure you will get lots of treats!

Lots of luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie