Saturday, January 17, 2009

Brrr-I'm So Bored!

These brutal subzero temperatures are ridiculous! Even being the tough guy I am - it is too cold to stay outside for too long! Of course, even if I wanted to stay outside, my poor people are pretty thin-skinned and they just can't take it.

So I've been stuck inside for what seems like an eternity!!! The walls are closing in! Stacy and Ryann feel bad for me, I know. We all miss the neighborhood patrols. I can tell because while I look longingly outside, they look longingly at cookie and cake recipes. Let's just say there has been a lot of whining from everyone in our house.

Still, they are doing what they can. They have been keeping me well-stocked with new toys to keep me busy and we've been playing a lot of hide-and-seek. We are all looking forward to the warm-up today-it's supposed to get up to 20 degrees! We're so excited!

Of course, it is snowing again, but I don't mind that at all. I'll take what I can get!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What I Did During My Holiday Vacation

It was the day after Christmas, and all through the house Stacy and Ryann were packing up stuff they had decorated and put under the shiny indoor tree (odd thing, that) and cramming it into our car. I didn't think there would be any room left for me and I figured I was destined for a return visit to "Camp" but, to my supreme surprise, they left room in the car for me, too!

I had the best trip ever! First stop: Minnesota. Not only did I get to run free out in the country, but I got treats, too! Some were given to me by human family members (biscuits, a stocking, sugar cookies, snack mix) and some I just helped myself to...including crackers left out on a buffet table just for me. What hospitality. I also found a dead pigeon which I thought was very cool...but no one let me keep it. I guess you can't have your bird and eat it, too.

Next stop: South Dakota - a return to my homeland! The accommodations here were amazing. Again, we stayed in the country and I was allowed to go inside AND up and down the stairs! I'm not used to stairs but I am a fast, fast, fast learner. The food here was great, too: pineapple, more sugar cookies, snap peas, and more. Yum, yum.

The best part about this place - the dogs! My mom and brother stayed here, too! We got to play together and we even took a road trip so I could run and flush out pheasants! Okay, so maybe I didn't really flush out the birds...but I heard all about how to do it from my brother, Smoot and his friend. Here's a family picture. That's me on the far right, my mom (Max) in the middle and my bro Smoot on the left. Aren't we a good looking family?

Final stop: Grandma's House! It goes without saying that I always have fun at Grandma's house. More gifts for me and I gave her something, too. I do have manners, you know.

Then, the party started! Two of my favorite cousins came over for a sleepover and we played video games. It was the most fun. My food discovery here? Blue Jello. Next time I'll pass. I don't know if Ryann was feeling well this trip - she hardly ever stopped me from eating new foods (except for the dead pigeon)! 'Tis the season, I suppose!

Monday, January 5, 2009

My Christmas

Here's a brief video of my wonderful Christmas celebration. Finally, after watching Stacy and Ryann hide stuff in boxes with layers and layers of paper for other loved ones - something for me! I think they read my gift suggestions.

Good humans.

They were so good, in fact, that I suffered through the indignity of wearing (too small) fake antlers. Good grief.