Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Clete Unleashed

Once upon a time, the world's most adorable yellow Labrador was born and I was named Cletus. I had a good life in rural South Dakota. I never wore a leash. I got to play with my brothers and sisters. I always got to lick the dirty dishes. Life was good.

I was learning how to be a crime fighter until one day when I my knees started to hurt. Don't get me wrong - I still loved to run and play; but my legs didn't feel quite like they should. So my owner took me to see a few different white coats and then I was traded to Stacy and Ryann.

My life was changed forever.

Goodbye amber waves of grain - hello suburban concrete prairies! I met my first, second, third, fourth and fifth leashes. I took walks. I ate only dog food (even though I keep my options open). I had my first bath that wasn't in a pond. Just as I was starting to get Stacy and Ryann trained -I visited some new white coats that fixed my legs. It took a long, long time but now I am healed! The head white coat finally said I could play fetch just as much as I wanted to, which, of course, is all the time!

However, it turns out that Stacy and Ryann aren't very good at fetch. They mostly stay in the yard; but every once in a while they meander over to the neighbor's house. They don't come back when I whine. I just can't trust them.

So I used my subliminal messaging skills to tell them that we needed a fence. Finally, they picked up on the message and today we got a fence! I checked it all over myself and now I know they won't wander off into another yard or, even worse, into the busy street in front of our house. Plus, I won't have to get dressed up in leashes or harnesses when I go into the backyard anymore! I'll be wearing nothing but my collar and a smile!

Ah, now life is REALLY good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an adorable baby picture! You are such a cutie. I hope to meet you sometime in person.
Sue Z